My days become dreamlike
At its best, my system gives me a smoother living experience. My days become dreamlike, no edges anywhere, none of the snags and snafus that life is so famous for. After days and days alone it gets silky to the point where I can’t even feel myself anymore, it’s as if I don’t exist.
– Miranda July from The First Bad Man
I really enjoyed this book. And this passage resonated with me as I sometimes drift into dreamlike days alone in my apartment in a kind of contented trance.
A long-term project is like a palimpsest
My producer suggested that a long-term project is like a palimpsest — that ideas don’t change but rather evolve from the original idea and all ideas following.
A story created this way will always be full of life
When I write, I sit in front of the computer and pound the keys. I start at the beginning and write fast, leaving out anything that isn’t necessary, aiming at all times for the hard core of the narrative. I can’t write without that urgency. Something is wrong if it takes more than five days to finish a screenplay. A story created this way will always be full of life.
Herzog is so polemical and that’s part of why I love him. I’ve never tried writing a screenplay in just five days but I would love to. I also think that this way of writing could lead to some real dreck.
It’s a great joke but it’s an expensive laugh
Danny Simon. Neil Simon’s brother, who was really very helpful to me when I was 20 years old. He was a merciless editor and that rubbed off on me. This was when I was writing television. Danny and I would work on a skit. It would be coming along fine and then either he or I might come up with a great joke. And he would say, “Yes, it’s a great joke but it’s an expensive laugh.” He meant you’re stopping the action for the joke. I didn’t want to part with it because the joke was great, but then you thought, maybe the joke is too inside and only 100 people would get it. And nobody knows who Thelonious Monk is. Danny was a merciless cutter
– Woody Allen (
Chicago is an October sort of city even in spring
Chicago is an October sort of city even in spring.
– Nelson Algren
They will probably be hustlers, too
In a creative writing class of twenty people anywhere in this country, six students will be startlingly talented. Two of those might actually publish something by and by.
What distinguishes those two from the rest?
They will have something other than literature itself on their minds. They will probably be hustlers, too. I mean that they won’t want to wait passively for somebody to discover them. They will insist on being read.
Taking notes by hand
The problem appears to be that the laptop turns students into stenographers, people who write down everything they hear as quickly as they can. Students who take handwritten notes, however, try to process the material as they are writing it down so that they only have to write down the key ideas. Forcing the brain to extract the most vital information is actually when the learning happens.
Some people find the taste of pilgrim guts to be too strong
One of the most arresting moments of Dream River comes in ‘Ride My Arrow’ when you sing, “Some people find the taste of pilgrim guts to be too strong/ Me, I find I can’t get by without them too long.” Yet the same song seems to be explicitly pacifist: “War muddies the river/ And getting out we’re dirtier than getting in”. What’s the meaning of this contradiction between the sentiment expressed by the song and the violent imagery within it?
BC: There are different kinds of violence. Some of them are excellent. A ripping away from blind, unfeeling or greedy tentacles. That is radical.
– Bill Callahan interviewed by
I’ve been listening to Callahan’s Dream River a lot lately and it’s really good music to work to. Completely relaxes me.
Boredom is one of the most important things
I found this Bill Murray interview. It was him at the Toronto film festival talking about how his philosophy for working is just, you can do your best work when you’re very very relaxed. And the more relaxed you are, the better you can do what you’re trying to do. That blew my mind! That blew my fucking mind. Because up until that I thought relaxing meant like, just wasting time. You know what I mean? [But] relaxing is such a conscious effort. You don’t go on Instagram to relax, you don’t go on Facebook to relax.
Those get mistaken for relaxing so often. It becomes the practice of “Oh, I’m going to decompress by filtering in thousands of pieces of information.” All that’s doing is continuing to stress you out on a level you can’t even address…
…And it means that I’m never actually bored. And boredom is one of the most important things. If you’re never bored, your mind never wanders. And if your mind never wanders, you never get lost in thought. If you never get lost in thought, you’re never gonna think something you wouldn’t have thought otherwise.
– Dan Deacon interviewed at PopMatters (Bill Murray link)
As far as creativity is concerned, isolation is required
My feeling is that as far as creativity is concerned, isolation is required. The creative person is, in any case, continually working at it. His mind is shuffling his information at all times, even when he is not conscious of it. (The famous example of Kekule working out the structure of benzene in his sleep is well-known.)
The presence of others can only inhibit this process, since creation is embarrassing. For every new good idea you have, there are a hundred, ten thousand foolish ones, which you naturally do not care to display.
– Isaac Asimov Asks, “How Do People Get New Ideas?” via Cal Newport
From the always insightful Cal Newport. Maybe as an introvert I’m biased towards the ‘brainstorming alone’ camp but my personal experience has been that a meeting room in an office is the worst place to think about anything, let alone original ideas. A good place for discussion but not for real thinking. I think of most of my ideas while alone at home, in the car, in the shower, or while watching plays/movies, reading, or in class.