Humor: What We’re Reading This Summer: Staff Picks from Maypole Leaf Books in Halifax, Canada

Sue, My Sioux Sushi Sous Chef
by Janis Kneedlepoint (Femme Metalle Books)
Dubbed the Eat, Pray, Love of Native American lesbians, you’ll be inspired by this heartwarming memoir about Kneedlepoint’s torrid affair with a sushi sous chef of Sioux Indian origin, who happened to be named Sue.

The Chicken and The Egg: Everyday Philosophy For Farmhands
by Big Bill Butterwurps (Old Canada Press)
A collection of folksy agricultural metaphysics, cultivated from Butterwurps’ life as a soybean farmer. You can teleologically suspend the ethical all you want as long as you’re up at 5am to milk the cows.

The Uncensored Andy Rooney Manuscripts
by Andy Rooney (The Estate of Andy Rooney)
A collection of unpublished and unaired diatribes by the late Andy Rooney, including brand new rants on pine cones, loveseats, blooming onion makers, hospital JELL-O, and barnacles.

The Bay of Fundy BDSM Singles Cruise to Nowhere (and Other Essays)
by Johnny Finger-Flume (Halifax City Printers)
Finger-Flume has a knack for finding pathos in all the wrong places. A collection of autobiographical essays, from albino brothels to zero-gravity sex clubs.

Converse Like a Sailor: Common Nautical Terms and their Place in the Modern Vernacular
by Dustin Pumpkinmeister (Port o’ Call Press)
Ahoy philologists! Gather round for all the latest scuttlebutt on those timeless nautical phrases that we use in everyday life. All hands on deck as we plumb the depths of America’s rich nauto-etymological seascape.

Sarcophagus Sisters
by Janice Taupe (Sacre Bleu! Books)
This debut novel follows estranged sisters Emily and Vivian on a lighthearted grave-robbing romp through sacred Egyptian burial grounds as they rekindle ties and discover the true meaning of sisterhood.